
TinyFugue is a MUD client. It helps you connect to a MUD, in a much more convenient manner than telnet. You can connect to a mud world using the same syntax as you would with telnet: "tf host port". Or, while running tf, you can use "/connect host port". To make things easier, you can give names to worlds, using /addworld, and then use "tf name" and "/connect name". If you store a set of /addworld commands in a file, TF can read them automatically when it starts. You can even connect to more than one world at the same time, and switch between them. See: /connect, /fg, /addworld, worlds, tfrc.

Any line you type that starts with a single '/' is a tf command. Anything else you type will be sent to the mud. See: interface, commands.

You can define your own tf commands, called macros. The simplest type of macro is just an abbreviation or alias for a longer command or commands. But macros can also perform much more powerful tasks. See: macros, /def.

You can tell tf to watch for certain patterns in the text from the mud, and then do special things when it sees that pattern: display the text in a special way (hilite); not display the text at all (gag); execute a macro command (trigger); or do any combination of these. See: attributes, triggers, /hilite, /gag, /trig, /def.

In visual mode, TF will split the screen into two windows: one for input, and one for output. TF will display useful information on the line separating the two windows, such as the name of the foreground world. To use it, just type "/visual on". See: %visual, mode.

TF keeps a history of every line it prints, every line sent by the mud, and every command you enter. You can see those histories using /recall. You can also have this text saved in a file using /log. See: history, /recall, /log.

See also: topics

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Copyright © 1995 - 1999 Ken Keys